mica olinghouse
Millennial Media Founder
Lead Creative & Senior Editor
Meet Mica
Editor l Writer l Minister l Business Owner
Growing up as the oldest daughter of pastors and missionaries, Mica Charity (Kilstrom) Olinghouse has had the honor of being around ministry her entire life. Well accustomed to both the realities and responsibilities of ministry, Mica relates well to the culture surrounding ministries and local churches. In addition to understanding the everyday life of ministers and their families, she also genuinely recognizes the responsibility God has placed on their lives to reach the lost and care for the sheep. Most importantly, she identifies with the mandate given to the Body of Christ—and ministers, in particular—to preach the message of salvation and teach the principles of God's Word.
Professionally, Mica is well trained and equipped to assist ministries with their written communications. A Magna Cum Laude graduate of Oral Roberts University, she obtained her B.S. in Mass Media Communications / Journalism Concentration in 2003. Two years later, she graduated from Rhema Bible Training College with a certificate in Pastoral Ministry. In 2019-2020, she earned additional course certificates in online study including travel writing, print publishing, content marketing, social media, and email marketing. Before launching into freelance, she worked for different ministries as both editor and writer. Since starting her freelance business in 2008, she has had amazing opportunities working with local pastors, missionaries, published and self-published authors, Christian businesses and organizations, public speakers, and internationally known ministries.
As a writer/editor, Mica's vision is to help ministers effectively communicate the Gospel with excellence on the printed page and in digital format. Since producing quality copy is an art form that requires a fusion of professional skills and spiritual sensitivity, Mica relies on her combined ministerial and professional training to assist ministers in expanding the reach of their messages through the written word. Diligent to maintain a high standard of copywriting and editing while depending on the help of the Holy Spirit, she believes the written word can become an anointed tool to reach the hearts of people and minister to their needs.
In 2013, Mica expanded her full-time freelance business and formed a company named Millennial Media. Combining her skills with other freelance media professionals, Mica and her team are now able to offer churches and ministries additional creative niche media services including social media, content management, typesetting, graphic design, web design, and video production. Exploding with synergy and professional excellence, Millennial Media is able to further equip local churches and para-church ministries in communicating the message of the Gospel to a younger, tech-savvy audience.
Thanks to her international upbringing, Mica is also cross-culturally savvy and approaches her professional work from a global perspective. In 1999, she graduated from the Lycée International in Saint-Germain-En-Laye, France and holds the International Option Baccalaureate Diploma in Economics and Social Sciences with the honor of Mention Assez Bien. She speaks advanced French and basic Spanish and is continually pursuing communications and ministry within a global context.
Mica currently bases her business in Tulsa but often travels on content creating assignments with her husband Jeff, who works as a travel consultant for a prominent national agency. Her travel writing work can be found online at JSO Travel, Mica Olinghouse Travel Writer, and Embark Travel Journal.
Both Mica and Jeff are licensed ministers with ARMADA Ministerial Association and are founders of New Life Metro Ministries International, a discipleship and church-planting ministry. Their goal is to eventually move to the greater New York City metro area to plant a network of small local churches that reach the various international people groups within that region.
As a continuation of her entrepreneurial experience, Mica is also the co-founder of two e-commerce stores, Embark Travel Store and Culture of Industry. Embark Travel Store has recently been seen in Conde Nast Traveller, Brides, Vanity Fair, and House of Coco.
Mica is an industry affiliate of Evangelical Christian Publishers Association and member of The Evangelical Press Association, The American Copy Editors Society, and The International Travel Writers Alliance. To read more of Mica’s inspirational writings, please visit her personal blog.
Mica’s credentials
OIB Diploma in Social & Economic Sciences - Lycee International, Saint- Germain-En-Laye, France
B.S. in Mass Media Communications with Emphasis in Print Journalism - Oral Roberts University
Double Minor in Spanish & Literary Writing - Oral Roberts University
Certificate of Pastoral Ministry - Rhema Bible Training College
Licensed Minister - ARMADA International
Certificate in Travel Writing
Certificate in Print Publishing in a Digital-First World
Certificate in Blogging
Certified in Content Marketing, Social Media, Email Marketing, and Inbound Marketing
Mica’s professional memberships
Learn More About Jeff & Mica’s Ministry
New Life Metro Ministries International
New Life Metro Ministries International is a discipleship and church planting network founded in 2018 by Jeff and Mica Olinghouse. Its primary mission is to bring the new life of Jesus Christ to global cities through the preaching of the Full Gospel message, demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit, and relational discipleship within the community.
Our core mission revolves around a three-prong purpose for an end-time strategy in the last days: Disciple believers, Develop leaders, and Disburse ministers. We believe these three straightforward actions—disciple, develop, and disburse—are not only the foundational components of our purpose, but they are also keys to reaching the harvest in our generation.
Read Mica’s blogs
Inspirational Blog
Features inspirational posts, teaching articles, and personal vignettes.
Travel Blog
Features travel tips, destination reviews, and travel narratives.
You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus..
2 Timothy 3:15 (NLT)