Book Production Track

Book & Magazine Production l Self-Publishing Capstones l Book Marketing & Author Support

for all editorial clients

This onboarding option is curated for clients who are interested in any of our editorial or design packages required for book production. Editorial services range from developmental editing and ghostwriting to transcribing and proofreading. Design service options include cover art, typesetting, and illustration.

client applications


Plan to Publish Phase 1: Discovery


If you’re new to Millennial Media, please fill out the New Client Application. If you’ve done business with us before, please fill out the Client Profile form. Both forms are accessible below.

Please note: We recommend you download the appropriate form first, save the document to your computer, and then complete. Once you’ve filled out all the required information, just email the completed form to our office along with your processing fee.



Plan to Publish Phase 1: Discovery


If you’re wanting us to edit your book, please fill out the Editorial Discovery Workbook. If you’re wanting additional book layout and cover art services, please complete the Design Discovery Workbook as well. Both forms are accessible below.

Please note: We recommend you download the appropriate form first, save the document to your computer, and then complete. Once you’ve filled out all the required information, just email the completed form to our office along with your processing fee.



These free checklists are helpful during any step in the Plan to Publish Process


We’ve compiled some helpful tools for you! Feel free to download and use the Book Publishing Checklist and Book Production Checklist. Both forms are accessible below.