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Establishing a Public Platform in the Spirit of Humility
Refusing to be lifted up in pride is a decision all of us must make on a daily basis. Sometimes it’s not easy to say no to the flesh, but we have the Holy Spirit inside us empowering us to live in a way that’s pure and pleasing to the Lord! A spirit of humility not only pleases God, but it is also possible for every born-again believer.
To help you build a platform that remains uncontaminated from pride and slothfulness, I have three essential guidelines that will encourage and strengthen you along your journey. By cooperating with the Spirit of God and pursuing excellence in both practical and spiritual matters, you can successfully establish a public platform in the spirit of humility!
Branding in Ten Simple Steps
Wondering how to make your voice stand out from among the crowd? Then follow these simple steps to brand yourself as a writer!