Hands of Diligence
by Mica Olinghouse
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A few years ago when I was leading a writers group at church, I led a discussion on the topic of diligence. I pray this archived article from that discussion will encourage and inspire you to cultivate diligence in your life, regardless of the complexities of your writing projects! - Mica
One of greatest qualities every successful Christian writer has developed before, during, and after the writing process is a discipline of diligence. While diligence is almost lost to the younger generation today, it is a viable commodity in the life of any writer, whether amateur or professional. Furthermore, diligence is a discipline set out in Scripture and a characteristic of the Christian life. Although some people might squirm a little when the word "diligent" is mentioned, diligence is, in reality, a trait God expects every believer to develop while growing up in Christ.
Defined by Webster's dictionary, "diligent" refers to a person who is constant and earnest in effort and application; attentive and persistent in doing something. This word also describes an action that is done or pursued with persevering attention. In other words, a diligent person is relentless with his habits and goals and continues to daily work towards his vision or dream.
The Bible has a lot to say about diligence, and Proverbs especially provides powerful descriptions, comparisons, and promises pertaining to a diligent person. Let's take a look at a few of these scriptures:
"Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done for the house of God of heaven." ~Ezra 7:3
"He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich." ~Proverbs 10:4
"The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute." ~Proverbs 12:24
"The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting; but the substance of a diligent man is precious." ~Proverbs 12:27
"The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat." ~Proverbs 13:4
According to the Strong's Concordance, "diligent" means determination, eager, decision, incisive. It is also used to describe a threshing sledge or instrument. Since some of those words are a little unfamiliar to us, let's break these terms down a bit further:
Thresh (Webster's):
To separate the grain or seeds from, to deliver blows using a flail or a machine
Flail (Webster's):
An instrument for threshing grain, also a similar instrument used in war
Incisive (Webster's):
Penetrating, cutting, biting, remarkably clear and direct, adapted for cutting or piercing
Incise (verb form) (Webster's):
To cut into, carve, engrave
From the semantics used in these definitions, diligence conveys an intense, continual, and constant pressing. The words flail and incisive, in particular, add to the meaning of fighting an enemy or using an intense exertion of energy. In other words, diligence can often imply a continual beating or cutting away at any given obstacle or challenge.
By and large, diligence describes a person who is consistently hacking away at a challenge or cutting through the debris to make progress and meet a goal. Conversely, a diligent person is not one who occasionally works at something when he is interested. Rather, he daily works his way through any obstacle he faces and, by determined effort, carves a path to success.
A diligent writer, therefore, is one who is not moved by lack of inspiration or motivation. He continually works away at his writing projects and constantly refines his skills, day in and day out. Regardless of the obstacles lying in his path, he determines to press forward no matter the cost until he has accomplished what he has set out to do.
In almost every verse in Proverbs where the diligent man is praised, the sluggard is condemned. In the balances of morality, success, and wisdom, diligence is given a sure victory while slothfulness is found wanting.
According to the Strong's Concordance, "slothful" is defined as remissness, deceit, false, idle, slack. To better understand the full scope of slothfulness, let's take a look at some of these definitions:
Remiss (Webster's):
Negligent, careless, or slow in performing one's duty or business, lacking force or energy, languid, sluggish
Idle (Webster's):
Not working or active, unemployed, not spent or filled with activity. Not in use or operation. Habitually doing nothing or avoiding work; lazy. Of or no real importance, worth, or significance; vain
Slack (Webster's):
Not tight, firm, or tense. Also describes the part of a rope that hangs loose without strain upon it.
From these descriptions, we can see that a slothful person runs from pressure. Unlike the diligent man who pursues his goal until he finishes his task, the sluggard avoids anything that requires exertion or work. He is lazy and passes the time by in insignificant ways.
Just like a rope that is not tautly held, a slothful person hangs loose without any pressure tugging him in a pointed direction. Because he refuses to put his hand to his responsibilities, he aimlessly glides along, never finishing his course. He simply lets the wind take him wherever it wills.
Unfortunately, a slothful person idly spins his wheels without gaining any momentum. He rejects all kinds of responsibility, be it spiritual, personal, or professional. Satisfied with his present circumstances, a sluggard never pushes for growth or endeavors to accelerate his projects or skills. He is neither a steward of his gifts nor a trustworthy worker.
A slothful writer, therefore, is a person who writes on a whim instead of daily disciplining himself to apply his efforts and time to his craft. He simply takes for granted the gifts and skills given to him and carelessly flows along with the wind, never charting a purposeful course for his path. Because of his lack of self-discipline and fortitude, a slothful writer will never rise to a place of success in his writer's calling, for his gifts will lie dormant in his soul, neglected by self-centeredness, laziness, and irresponsibility.
As a diligent person continues to press through the pressure to fulfill his assignment, he will also reap incredible rewards due to his faithfulness. So many of the verses dealing with diligence foretell a remarkable blessing that will be poured out on those who remain diligent in their affairs.
From Scripture, we can see that diligence releases favor, abundance, prosperity, and authority in a person's life. On the other hand, slothfulness will limit the flow of these blessings. A diligent man will rise to the place of leadership, prominence, and influence, but a slothful person will always remain under rule (Proverbs 22:29).
Essentially, people who have become successful have learned to cultivate deep-rooted diligence in their personal and professional lives. Moreover, all successful writers have developed this quality of diligence and projected it towards their craft. They have worked hard at their writing and are diligent to learn new techniques and grow daily in their gift.
As writers who want to pursue excellence in our craft, we can benefit greatly by strengthening our hands with diligence. Not only will this essential quality help us to become more successful as writers, but it will also shape our hearts, refine our character, and launch us into the blessings of God.
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