Discovering Your Writing Voice
by Mica Olinghouse
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A few months ago, my husband and I were watching a biographical movie on the life of the famous Italian opera singer, Andrea Bocelli. We had recently returned home from a three-week adventure in Italy for my husband’s business and were captivated by the Italian language and culture. When we happened upon a movie featuring Andrea Bocelli’s journey towards musical success, we were immediately intrigued.
Since he was a young boy, Andrea had a passion for singing. Greatly encouraged by his uncle, he pursued a path of developing his voice at a young age. As most of you may know, Andrea lost his sight during childhood; to compensate for his blindness, he developed an acute sense of hearing, which ultimately helped him grow as a musician. However, there was a twist to this story I was not familiar with—during his puberty years, Andrea lost his singing voice! It took him several years into his adulthood to rediscover his voice and use it correctly as a full grown adult. When he finally learned to harness the strength and power in his mature voice, it astonished crowds worldwide. To this day, Andrea is celebrated around the globe for his beautiful musical talent.
Like vocalists, writers are also blessed with a unique voice that can resonate deeply with an audience. Sure, we may not be able to sing like Mr. Andrea Bocelli, but we touch the hearts of others through our words of encouragement and truth. And just like Mr. Bocelli, we have to fine-tune our keen senses of hearing and observation, identify our own voice in every season of life, and develop our gift to its greatest potential. When we become content with the voice God has given us and learn to harness its strength and power, we become a blessing to others, especially to those in the Body of Christ.
However, discovering one’s writing voice isn’t an overnight event; rather, it is a well-intentioned journey fraught with discipline, growing pains, trial, error, and a whole lot of practice. Eventually, that consistency to develop one’s gift pays off as a strong, authoritative voice emerges. It may squabble during the difficult years and almost disappear during a period of uncertainty, but cultivation and execution of a writing gift will assuredly cause that voice to blossom and grow in strength and beauty.
Thanks to my experience in the editorial field, I’ve had the opportunity to work with several authors as they learn to develop their voice and find their sweet spot. No voice is the same, and even though some messages may bear certain resemblances, no two people can communicate the same story or message in an identical manner. Each perspective is unique, each personal experience is one-of-a-kind, and each turn of phrase evokes individuality and creativity. Just like snowflakes, each writer is uniquely shaped and fashioned, stamped by God’s own thumbprint.
To understand the significance and individuality of your own God-given gift as a writer, you must first actively engage in the process of discovering your writing voice. By committing to the process of growth, you will emerge a stronger and more accurate bearer of God’s words entrusted to you.
Along the path of discovery, I have three tips that will help you fine-tune your voice and execute it with simplicity.
Throughout a 24-hour period, you may put on a number of hats depending on the context of the moment and your particular responsibilities. You may be wife and mom, writer and leader, entrepreneur and church volunteer all within the same day! Each hat you wear isn’t a separate identity, but rather a different authentic version of yourself. Your tastes and temperament don’t change, but your responsibilities do.
In the same way, learning to discover your writing voice may require some multi-tasking as you take on various writing responsibilities throughout your career. You may have to learn how to write crisp witty content for an ad agency or more thought-provoking narrative for a book. In any case, who you are as a writer doesn’t change—your tastes and personality will shine through regardless of what writing project you encounter. Sure, you may find you are more comfortable with some niches than others, but no matter how you style it, you should always be free to be you in your writing. To achieve such versatility and freedom, simply define who you are as a writer through discovery, and then learn to adapt your style with each project and audience.
RELATED: Voice in Writing: How to Find Yours by Jerry Jenkins
Speaking of audience, knowing who you are writing for is critical for the success of any written piece. You can be you regardless of the participants in the conversation. However, you may find your voice and style are more suitable for certain people groups, preferences, and demographics.
Along your writing journey, you’ll discover a connection with some audiences more than others. Once you identify your key audiences, you can begin sharpening your communication with them through your word choices, niche topics, and presentation. Learn to polish your strengths and diminish your weaknesses. All of these components will help you distinguish your voice, identify your brand, and hone your identity in the writing world.
Finally, it’s important to connect with your audience using your own voice and your own unique platform. In other words, go where the fish are biting!
For example, if you’re a writer of young adult non-fiction, it would be beneficial for you to build your platform around venues and tools that connect with young adults. Not only will this strategy help you bait your fish, but it will also assist you in networking with other like-minded writers, professionals, leaders, and consultants to form a team of collaborators. You can find answers to some of your research questions, have plenty of resources for interviews, and learn more valuable take-aways from other professionals in the young adult field.
As you’re building your platform, remember to be an original! Your voice and audience are unique to your message and your passion, so your platform will be differentiated from the crowd as well. Learn from those who have already built successful platforms, but tailor yours specifically to your mission and your audience. Be creative and dream way outside of the box!
By celebrating your own individuality and embracing your own God-given uniqueness, you’ll be well on your way to discovering your own unmistakable writing voice. Be yourself in all circumstances, know your target audience, and strategically build your platform. As you focus on stewarding your gifts and talents, you’ll discover a profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in knowing that you are doing what you were created to do!
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